27th February 2020

was the date for the inaugural University of Edinburgh Data-Driven Innovation ICoT conference focused on the technologies and services we are providing across south east Scotland to support the next wave of development in IoT: Intelligent Connected Things (ICoT).

At ICoT2020 we showcased a wide range of real working examples of IoT and ICoT including for education, the intelligent workplace and environmental monitoring.

Our Keynote presentation addressed how ICoT solutions can be built ethically and to preserve privacy.

ICoT2020 provided hands-on experience of the latest developments in AI applied to IoT, helping you to understand the future of intelligent connected things and how they could impact your organisation.

At ICoT2020 we launched our IoT Research & Innovation Service for direct use by the public sector, companies and entrepreneurs, and demonstrate how your organisation can access our rapidly expanding regional IoT network testbed with secure integrated real-time data visualisation and analytics platform to pilot new ICoT solutions and develop novel data-driven applications.

ICoT2020 was a fully interactive experience. Attendees will also have the opportunity to participate in a unique IoT data collection experiment.

Read the full conference agenda

We look forward to seeing you for the next ICoT event in 2021.